Barry Gets Busy
Tuesday 14th January  2014 will be imprinted in the mind of Bro. Doug Holgate’s  mind for some time to come, because this was the day that he was Elevated  into the St George Royal Ark Mariners Lodge 553 by  V. W. Bro Barry Elman.
Bro. Doug Holgate and VW Bro. Barry Elman 
 Joined by W.Bro. Bryan Humphries
Team with Eric Hughes
Barry and Tommy
W. Bro. Kaj Lange, the Worshipful Commander of St George’s R.A.M was unable to attend the meeting, due to the fact he is in recovery from a recent heart operation.
Bro. Doug was proposed by Bro Stephen Lyons Seconded by VW Bro. Barry Elman.
In the absence of W. Bro. Kaj, the meeting was opened by the IPM W. Bro. Bryan Humphries, who invited VW Bro. Barry to occupy the Chair for the purpose of the Elevation Ceremony.
It was evident throughout the Ceremony that that the team worked very hard to make it a memorable night for Bro. Doug. The team included W. Bro. Derek Horrocks who acted as Senior Warden, W. Bro. Keith Rice Junior Warden, Bro. Colin Svenson Senior Deacon, Bro. Joe Comerford Junior Deacon.  

Article and photgraphs courtesy of Jack Parker